It's all about sustainable Development
Help Us Buy a House
We continue to purchase houses in Cuba and renovate in co-operation with the Cuban Assemblies of God. These houses serve a dual purpose, a home for the Pastor and family as well as a local House Church.
Fishing Boats
“We purchase and deliver fishing boats, nets, and essential gear to support sustainable livelihoods and community well-being. You can never go wrong investing in resources that empower families and build a future.”
We continue to purchase houses in Cuba and renovate in co-operation with the Cuban Assemblies of God. These houses serve a dual purpose, a home for the Pastor and family as well as a local House Church.
"We purchase and deliver fishing boats, nets, and essential gear to support sustainable livelihoods and community well-being. You can never go wrong investing in resources that empower families and build a future."
Please choose the amount you're able to give to help our Missions around the world. We appreciate any amount you can give!
We buy sewing machines; provide material and training for Church sewing centers. This allows church families to supplement their income, bless their community and church. Our goal is to provide sustainable development.
Your donation provides essential tools and training, empowering stylists to build their own businesses, boost self-confidence, and support their community. Join us in creating sustainable change through the art of hairdressing!
Make an impact in Cuba by helping a local farmer grow fresh vegetables for the community. Your support provides seeds, tools, and resources to cultivate sustainable crops, improve food access, and boost local health. Be part of a project that nourishes families and strengthens self-reliance.
Your donation helps fund washers, dryers, and supplies, creating a welcoming space where locals can access clean laundry and connect with others. This project is about more than washing clothes—it’s about dignity, health, and community.
Come be part of a powerful 2-day Leadership Training led by Chuck Price from Reapers in the Rain. Over 10 hours of practical, engaging teaching, plus meals, materials, and special gifts, you’ll gain tools to strengthen your leadership and connect with others on the same journey. Don’t miss this chance to grow!

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Latest news
Winter is Coming – Ways You Can Help!
We Need: mens coats, boots, hats, gloves, sleeping bags, tarps Christmas Outreaches: we need toys for Moms and Kids Christmas Dinner We need warm clothes, hygiene products, survival kits, socks, and gift cards for homeless hampers
Summertime in Ontario
Over the summer months I have traveled throughout Ontario preaching camps and church services. Both I enjoy! There is a fresh hunger for God that needs to be feed and fuelled by those of us in leadership. The resurgence of worship is fantastic but cannot replace our love for the Word of God, spoken or read. We cannot simply be in love with worship and not the Word. Two sentences now burned in my heart, from two men during altar conversations, “I have been in the church for thirty years and this is my first time at the altar.” The [...]
TO CUBA WITH LOVE – Autumn 2024
During Covid our giving never decreased just our expenses. A huge shout out to our donors. Thank you! With expenses down, Reapers decided to invest money that we could not spend in travel. With property prices down significantly in Cuba, those donation dollars will stretch even farther. Over the next six months Reapers has big plans on being a greater blessing. Stay tuned! Remember it’s all about sustainable development. We create business opportunities that will be in place for years to come. The fishing boats, hair salon, sewing centres, laundry mat, vegetable gardens benefit the workers and the patrons. The [...]
Wish List 2021
Homeless: sleeping bags, ground sheets, hand & foot warmers, knap sacks, men’s winter jackets, boots, hoodies, new socks & underwear, gloves, and toques School Supplies: pens, paper, markers, crayons, binders, journals Children’s Clothes: newborn, infant Linens: new bedding, sheets, pillow cases, towels, face clothes Toys: (no battery operated), small, soft or hard, no books Sports Equipment: baseball equipment, basketballs, soccer balls Summer Clothes: (all ages) sandals, t-shirts, shorts, dresses, socks, shoes Kitchen Items: (no electric items) cutlery, dishware, pots and pans Hygiene: tooth brushes, tooth paste, deodorant, shampoo, soap, hair brushes, chap stick Tools: screwdrivers, drills, tape measures, wrenches We [...]
TO CUBA WITH LOVE – Winter 2021
By: Yoandry Rodríguez For the past three years, as an interpreter, I have had the privilege of working alongside Reapers Executive Director, Chuck Price. I have been an eye witness of the work performed every place Reapers laboured. Reapers in the Rain has been working in Cuba for seven years providing relief to the hard economic situation of the Cuban Church. Our country is full of restrictions and limitations regarding the Church. However, despite the difficulties, Reapers has provided aid amid the problems. Reapers has invested in many different building projects, house-church purchases, provided top-quality Bible teaching and leadership development. [...]
Last October we hosted our third one-day Men’s Conference in Eastern Ontario with over 130 men in attendance including a dozen pastors. My job was easy as Pastor Billy Richards from Church on the Queensway preached and Dawson Phillips led worship. The luncheon was crazy with hamburgers the size of my fist, homemade cookies and coffee by the drum. There was no charge for the day thanks to Church on the Queensway, Calvary Cornerstone Church, and Easthill Outdoors. We did receive a Missions offering for Reapers raising $2,200 for our work in Cuba! The altar appeals were often and well [...]
Because of what so many do for Reapers, we have the awesome privilege and incredible joy of working alongside other Ministries to accomplish what God has asked them to do. Again, this year we provided clothes, blankets and backpack survival kits to Souls for Christ Ministries, who work on the streets and in the shelters of Toronto. Also, Reapers provided socks for students along with clothes and gifts for mom’s that Heart to Heart Ministry distributed in Flemingdon Park. With your help Reapers purchased gift bags and 23 turkeys to feed 400 people, donated clothes and toys to the Church [...]
TO CUBA WITH LOVE – Winter 2020
I no longer keep track of how many trips, or how many teams, or how many months we have spent in Cuba over the past 6 years. I do know my last trip was in November and I will return in January and March to continue our work. It’s not a hardship to spend time with people that love the Word and love to worship. What a blessing to have the items from the shipped container in the hands of those who will bless thousands. We have five building projects, at various stages, on the go. Our goal is to [...]
Provide more for those with less
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Your constant support goes straight to our Missions building homes and sustainable income for families in need.