The Caribbean

It is exciting to say, “The church in Borde Narve is nearing completion.” Since 2007, Reapers has laboured in love on this new building. Big thanks to the men of Bancroft and Gilmour for their time, talent and sweat. Special thanks to all of you who invested in the project financially. It will stand as a testimony of God’s faithfulness and generous support of God’s people.

My time in St. Vincent was filled with street meetings, church services and a school assembly. What do you think of when I say, “Street meetings?” I mean on the streets – with buses, cars, dogs and goats, you name it! People literally had to look both ways to come to the altar. I love preaching away from the walls of the church. Always good to fish where the fish live.

After sharing with hundreds of students at a school assembly, that God has a plan for their lives and if they would get to know Him, they would know His will for their lives. The Director asked me to close the assembly by praying for the student body and then I was invited to the Principal’s office to pray for him! How cool is that!